ReferNet EOPPEP Tasks Ανακοινώσεις – Δελτία Τύπου Εξελίξεις για την ΕΕΚ στην Ελλάδα Εργασίες ReferNet ΕΟΠΠΕΠ

Greece: new qualifications register

The National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) was the body that set up the Greek qualifications register. Since spring 2016 EOPPEP, in cooperation with the European Commission, has been connecting the register to the European classification of skills, competences, qualifications and occupations (ESCO). The register was also showcased as a best practice in the October 2017 ESCO conference.

The Greek qualifications register comprises of 674 qualifications classified in the Hellenic qualifications framework (HQF), which is referenced to the EQF. Their description is based on a unified description standard suggested by the European Commission. The register is a web application, progressively developed and enriched since 2015, which is available to the public for accessing information and to authorised users for updating information about qualifications.

Cooperation between EOPPEP and the European Commission’s technical team focused on assessing the development of the Greek qualifications register, and linking it both to the Learning opportunities and qualifications in Europe and the ESCO portals. The register has gradually become an appreciated resource for ESCO regarding information managed and held at national level.

During the preparations of ESCO v1 release, Greece, along with Latvia, participated in a pilot project, which tested the ESCO classification, providing information on qualifications displayed on ESCO. They were also ensuring that this information was constantly available, complete, correct and up to date. The project contributed to linking ESCO skills/competences with related qualifications.




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